Meadow Creek TS120 Smoker Story
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Three weeks ago on Memorial Day, I pulled a Meadow Creek TS120 Smoker into my back yard and loaded it down with lots of exciting proteins. We enjoyed barbecue throughout the day, and in the evening had my parents and family over for dinner.
I filled the smoker with the following: 6 slabs of St. Louis ribs, 4 whole chickens, 2 sausage logs, a brisket, 4 tenderloins, 4 pounds of meatloaf, potatoes, and onions. I fired the smoker around 10:20 in the morning and pulled the last of the food off at 5:30, around 7 hours later. Everything was knock-your-socks off delicious, except for my lean grass-fed brisket, which somehow got burned on the bottom side, but still turned out WAY to good to throw to the dog.
Three weeks ago on Memorial Day, I pulled a Meadow Creek TS120 Smoker into my back yard and loaded it down with lots of exciting proteins. We enjoyed barbecue throughout the day, and in the evening had my parents and family over for dinner.
I filled the smoker with the following: 6 slabs of St. Louis ribs, 4 whole chickens, 2 sausage logs, a brisket, 4 tenderloins, 4 pounds of meatloaf, potatoes, and onions. I fired the smoker around 10:20 in the morning and pulled the last of the food off at 5:30, around 7 hours later. Everything was knock-your-socks off delicious, except for my lean grass-fed brisket, which somehow got burned on the bottom side, but still turned out WAY to good to throw to the dog.